Modren's carrd: An up-and-comming writer who wrote stories such as the widely loved Whiteout, this link is the one-stop-shop for all of your Modren needs! Highly recommended. Warning, there is music on the page if you don't surf with something like noscirpt - so you've been warned! As another major contributor in the Midas City Universe, you might find something you like here. Darksong has his own little space in our virtual world here. If this is the case, check it out now! There's writing there you'll find nowhere else!ĭarksong's Den: Another MC Stories writer, and a personal friend, J. However, you might not yet have found her blogger. Tabico's Secret Files: Tabico needs no introduction if you're on my page.
#Erotic mind control archive how to#
View her site for more details on how to get ahold of her writing, in addition to many other posts from the lovely author herself. While many of her stories are no longer on the archive, those can now be found (for a rather reasonable price) on Amazon. regina cantatis)'s blog: thrall was one of the first writers I fell in love with on MC Stories. Even if you haven't, you've probably read an MC Story somehow influenced by her work - even if you've only read mine! This is a great place to go to see the proper order to read her work, as well as additional information. If you've ever heard of Corelle D'amber, or The Ancients, you've heard of her work. If you're looking for some heat that isn't mind control related, you could be worse off.ĮyeofSerpent's Webpage: Eye is a writer that I've looked up to and admired for quite some time. It's actually where I found the first two MC Stories that I ever read. : Before I found MC Stories, this was where I went to get an erotic stories fix.

mind control is not necessary? I don't completely understand that, but it's another place to find some MC fiction! This is a site to read author-controlled stories of mind control, though quite oddly. Read Only Mind: Created as an alternative to the EMCSA, don't let the misleading name fool you. If you enjoy any of my work, MC Stories is a site you should immerse yourself in! While I miss the old shade of green my mind still associates with it, the white design is still very easy on the eyes. It also has a great layout, and helpful navigation options.
#Erotic mind control archive archive#
The Erotic Mind Control Stories Archive, or MC Stories: The Erotic Mind Control Story Archive is home to many of the best mind control stories you'll find online, and all for free. Mind Control Literature Discord: Hosted by myself, the Mind Control Literature Discord, otherwise known as MCL, is a place to meet with other fans of erotic mind control fiction to discuss fiction, media, and otherwise enjoy the company of fellow kinksters! To join, simply click here! Hosting graciously provided by Legend of the Green Dragon MC Edition! I haven't been asked to put this here, but they're doing me a solid, so there's no reason why not! It's a fun little game, and some of my characters even show up! If there is a link that you feel is missing, please do not hessitate to let me know and I may or may not add it to the list.

Contents of these sites are the responsibility of their individual creators.

As with my own content, websites may contain adult content and should not be visited by minors. If you're here and looking for somewhere else to go, these sites should have a little something to keep your interest.